Plug Into Profits With EV Charging | Anaheim, CA

ev charging station completed by CellTech

Installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station can be an additional revenue stream for businesses. CellTech is an industry-leading Electric Vehicle installer and is proud to offer installation services throughout Southern California.

When it comes to understanding the needs of your electric vehicle starting station, our experienced professionals have you covered. We provide conduit installation, high voltage wire pulls and landing, grounding wire, GFI installation, and grounding rods.

By 2035, California will require 50% of all heavy trucks to be electric. If you have been wondering whether installing an electric vehicle charging station for your enterprise, now is the time. Call CellTech today for more information.

Remarkable Concealment Installation Project: Elevating the Hampton Inn Skyline in Thousand Oaks, CA

wireless communication project at the Hampton Inn & Suites to conceal their cell tower

CellTech was entrusted with the task of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the Hampton Inn hotel in Thousand Oaks by providing assembly and installation services for a third-party concealment product, we embarked on a mission that showcased our expertise and commitment to excellence.

Our project involved a meticulous process, starting with the removal of roof tiles to expose the ridge beam. This step was essential to fabricate, install, and frame the platform on which the cell site concealment cupola would be attached. We tackled this task efficiently, completing the roof deck within the first week. The subsequent week saw the successful installation of the cupola structure, demonstrating our dedication to meeting deadlines.

At CellTech, attention to detail is our hallmark. We ensured the precision of every component by assembling the cupola on the ground, guaranteeing a perfect fit and secure bolting. As part of our commitment to excellence, we then expertly removed the wall panels, hoisted the cupola into the air, and placed it atop the meticulously crafted platform. To seamlessly integrate the new addition with the hotel’s aesthetics, we applied a matching paint coat, adhering to the existing color code.

Our project posed unique challenges, from landlord interactions to navigating jurisdictional inspections, all while meeting the fast turnaround demands of Dish Network. CellTech not only met these challenges head-on but exceeded expectations, leaving the Hampton Inn with an enhanced skyline and our client with the assurance of a job well done.

Experience the CellTech difference – where expertise, precision, and commitment come together to transform your concealment installations into works of art.

We are everywhere you don’t see us.